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Viatrexx Pain Management
Viatrexx Pain Management
Viatrexx introduces physiological regulating medicine in pain management.

The Viatrexx Method focuses on the origin of pain to include psychological, neurological, hormonal and immunological causes. A particular distinct and innovative characteristic of Viatrexx. Injectable medicines for pain management have been designed from an ‘energetic’ point of view – taking the laws of acupuncture and neuroflexology into account. Like a needle in an acupuncture point, Viatrexx medicines activate reflex responses, thereby, releasing anti-pain chemical mediators.The therapeutic affect is immediate in acute and progressive pain and constant in chronic pain.


Conventional treatments ensure positive benefits in the short term, but they involve a complex series of adverse side effects. Moreover, many patients cannot use allopathic medicines (NSAIDS), or face time limited use of NSAIDS, as they must not be used for long periods of time. Although the main goal is to eliminate the pain, often the causes that determine it are neglected.


The action of homeopathic microdoses have no adverse side effects, avoids tolerance risks and pharmacological catabolic overload within the cell matrix and organs.


Viatrexx Pain Management injectables have been designed by the recent knowledge acquisitions in the field of neurology and physiology, and can be considered a new frontier for the treatment of joint, arthritis, and myofacial pain. Their structure combines 20 years of experience in Homeopathic Pain Management and Acupuncture with a cutting edge formula.


Viatrexx homeopathic injectables are registered with the FDA for intramuscular, subcutaneous, or intradermal injection use. They have been studied particularly for mesotherapy or intramuscular use. Their special formulation, based on the laws of homeopathy (dilution and potentization of the raw ingredient) give these medicines a series of benefits that can be summarized as follows:


  • No local or allergic reactions

  • No adverse side effects in the short term or long

  • No contraindications

  • NO interaction with other drugs

  • Safe to use during pregnancy

  • Optimum interaction with other Guna Injectable medicines for pain management



Methods and Techniques


The injection includes inoculations of 0.3ml of the product subcutaneously or intradermal. The affected areas and some selected acupuncture points are treated in accordance with the so-called homeosiniatry technique, as well as trigger points and reflex painful areas (referred pain).


Standard treatment protocol includes:

1-3 treatments the 1st week, (according to severity of pain), and then 1-2 treatments per week until pain is relieved.

The injections address all kinds of acute and chronic pain, injuries, and inflammation, including muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments. It also addresses the treatment of symptoms of fibromyalgia , chronic fatigue, degenerative conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.


The Viatrexx medicines are also designed to address the different areas of pain including neck, thoracic, lumbar, shoulder, hands, feet, and hip. These areas are made up of different types of tissues, therefore these formulations need to be made with specific ingredients to treat that particular tissue type.

Treatments are also combined with oral homeopathic drainage therapies, for an average of 10 weeks.


Viatrexx Face

The Viatrexx products address both the internal and external causes of aging. Viatrexx Collagen is a sterile solution made with isotonic sodium chloride. The strength a 6x supports the collagen physiological function, as the homeopathic biological substrate acts as a supporter of the endogenous production of collagen. The local mesotherapy technique of administration targets the area of activity.


Viatrexx Collagen shows an initial flattening effect on wrinkles, however, as treatments progress then the affect is due to a better metabolism on the area of application, not to a filling activity. The sterile homeopathic medicine is injected into acupuncture points where treatment in needed, with small interdermal needles. The session is about a half an hour The standard protocol for administration is a total 10 weeks, 2 sessions a week for the first two weeks, then once a week for the next 2 months. A maintenance session every 4-6 weeks thereafter is recommended.



VIATREXX Products have:




  • No local or general allergic reactions

  • No side effects in long or short term use

  • Optimum interaction with other Viatrexx Injectables


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